About Us

Creating a more comfortable and convenient
workspace experience

Our Story

Joey He, our founder, was a dedicated workaholic whose long hours began to severely affect his health. Each day ended with severe wrist pain, a stiff neck, and chronic back and waist pain, impairing both his productivity and quality of life. After trying numerous market solutions, from ergonomic chairs to support cushions, and finding no relief, Joey's frustration grew.

The turning point came during a casual team gathering where Joey learned his colleagues were similarly afflicted by their work environments. Motivated by this shared struggle, Joey led his team to challenge the status quo, setting an ambitious goal to transform their work environment within a year. With a deep dive into research and design, they developed a series of products that significantly alleviated their discomfort and enhanced work efficiency.

The success in their office was profound—reducing complaints of pain and boosting productivity—which crystallized their responsibility to extend these benefits further. In 2021, Joey and his team launched ProtoArc, committed to helping individuals globally overcome physical discomfort from poor work environments and experience a more comfortable, healthier, and efficient work life.

Company Milestones


Inspired to improve workplace wellness, Joey initiates a transformation of the company's workspace, focusing on ergonomic enhancements.


ProtoArc is established, marking the introduction of ergonomic products for all employees, laying the foundation for a healthier work environment.


ProtoArc launches its beloved product range in the U.S. market, bringing innovative solutions to a broader audience.


The company gains widespread recognition, celebrated by various media outlets for its impact on improving workplace ergonomics.


ProtoArc expands its mission, developing a new line of ergonomic furniture, including desks and chairs, to further enhance employee workspaces and promote wellness.

Our Mission

At ProtoArc, our mission is to deliver innovative workspace solutions that enhance comfort, boost productivity, and foster overall wellness. We aim to transform workspaces into environments where hardworking individuals can perform at their best.

Our Vision

We believe that everyone deserves a workspace that not only meets their functional needs but also empowers them to thrive. Our vision is a world where work environments promote health, happiness, and high performance.



We prioritize the health and well-being of our users, ensuring that every product contributes positively to their physical and mental wellness.


Comfort is at the core of our designs, as we believe that a comfortable workspace is key to sustained productivity and well-being.


We design with efficiency in mind, enabling our users to achieve more with less effort and more comfort.


We maintain open and honest communications with our customers, partners, and team members, building trust through clarity and integrity.


We strive to be accessible and responsive, ensuring our solutions and support are user-friendly and straightforward.

Who We Are

ProtoArc, established in 2021 and built upon two decades of industry expertise is a leading manufacturer of wireless keyboards and mice. With offices in Texas, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, and Hamburg, the company serves a global customer base in multiple countries. Recognized for merging advanced technology with superior design, ProtoArc is committed to enhancing both work and personal environments through innovative, ergonomic solutions tailored for remote and hybrid workplaces. By consistently exceeding user expectations and incorporating real-world feedback into a rigorous development cycle, ProtoArc remains at the forefront of the industry, ensuring each product not only meets but revolutionizes the daily productivity and comfort of its users.

What We Do

We cater to the diverse landscapes of modern workspaces—whether they are in the office, at home, or on the move. Recognizing the unique challenges presented by each setting, from the need for comfort and functionality in stationary environments to the demand for flexibility and efficiency while mobile, we have meticulously tailored our solutions to meet these varied needs.

Our offerings range from health-focused workspace enhancements designed to improve posture and reduce strain, to travel-friendly portable solutions that simplify working remotely. Each product is crafted to optimize these diverse environments, empowering individuals to work more effectively and enhance their daily productivity and well-being.


Leading with Ergonomics

Discover how our focus on ergonomics sets us apart.

"The ProtoArc EM01 has a traditional, right-handed mouse design that places the cursor trackball at your thumb for more comfortable navigation. "
Taylor Clemons-ZDNET
"Designed to cater to the needs of business professionals and travelers, this handy office kit consists of ProtoArc's best-selling XKM01 foldable keyboard"
Mark Sparrow-Forbes

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