How to Set Up an Ergonomic Workstation at Home?


o you work remotely and find yourself constantly experiencing aches and the need to stretch? You are most likely experiencing all that because you do not have an ergonomic workstation at home.

The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic saw a surge in the number of people working remotely from their homes. Even though a vaccine has been developed and movement restrictions have been lifted, many folks continue to work from their house.

If you're one of such people, then it is paramount that you set up an ergonomic workstation that will keep your body in a neutral position, so you don't have to slouch, bend, or contort your body when you're working.

Below, we'll go over some tips on how to set up an ergonomic workstation at home so you can stay comfortable and relaxed while you sit and work at your desk.

But first...

What is An Ergonomic Workstation?


n ergonomic workstation is a work setup that focuses on supporting your body, muscles and joints in a neutral and relaxed position while you work, thus minimizing discomfort and pain.

Although it is still recommended that you take breaks and walk around after spending some time in front of your desk, an ergonomic workstation is also vital in helping you maintain a healthy posture.

How to Set Up An Ergonomic Workstation?

1. Get a chair that supports your spine

If there are gaps between your lower and middle back when you place your head on the backrest of your chair, that is a glaring indication that it needs to be changed.
One of the most important factors to consider when setting up your workspace is your spine. Your chair should support your lower back and your back's natural S-curve.
The chair should encourage you to rest your back while you work and should have an armrest that will position your elbows at a 90-degree angle. It should also not leave your feet dangling off the floor.
Basically, here are things you want to watch out for when picking a chair for your ergonomic workstation.

The chair should:

  • Be tall enough to support the S-curve of your spine and comfortable enough that your feet are flat on the floor
  • Align your elbows in a vertical and neutral position
  • Position your knees slightly below your hips

You can use some household materials if you don't want to spend money on a fancy office chair that meets all these requirements.
You can use a small pillow to support your lower back, and if your feet are dangling off the chair, you can stack a couple of books to adjust that.

2. Use an ergonomic keyboard

Your working accessories also play an important role in setting up your workstation.
Most keyboards strain your shoulders and arms and cause your muscles to feel strained after typing.
The best type of keyboard to use is an ergonomic split keyboard. These keyboards can accommodate and even encourage shoulder relaxation and spacing when typing.
Ergonomic keyboards like the ProtoArc EK01 have sloping forms that will keep your wrists and forearms in a neutral position, reducing strain and keeping your hands and shoulders relaxed.
It is not enough to have an ergonomic keyboard; you should also position it within easy reach and preferably on the same surface as your mouse.

3. Get an ergonomic and easy-to-use mouse

You will likely use your mouse in tandem with your keyboard, so the first thing you'll want to ensure is that it is not placed very far away from your keyboard.
Put it in a position where you can easily alternate between it and your keyboard.
Asides from placing your mouse in an easily accessible position, it is also essential you get a mouse that is easy to manoeuvre, comfortable to grip, and sensitive to touch - so you won't have to strain your wrists and fingers unnecessarily.
Also, prioritizing ergonomic mice like the ProtoArc EM01 allows you to keep your palm in a natural and comfortable position, with its trackball placed optimally.

4. Set up your monitor at an eye level

Your monitor is unarguably the most important of your setup. You'll spend 90% of your time looking at it, so you'll want to ensure that you pay extra attention to it.
For one, you'll want to make sure you place it in a position where you won't have to bend or stretch your neck in order to see your screen. When setting up your workstation, place it in your direct vision so you won't have to contort and strain your neck or shoulder muscles.
However, it should be at least kept at arm's length from your vision to reduce the glare from the monitor and eye strain. Adjust blinds and curtains accordingly, as well as brightness and text sizes, to provide the optimal experience you need.

5. Get a desk with optimal height

Your desk is where most of your work accessories will be, so if it does not have the optimal height needed for comfort, it will inadvertently affect everything.
Get a desk - preferably one whose height can be adjusted - that will keep your monitor at eye level and every other accessory in a comfortable position.
Your desk should also be compatible with your chair's height and should keep your arms and wrist in a neutral position when you're typing.

Other Accessories You May Need

Other accessories like notepads, headsets, microphones, and so on that you will need during work should also be placed within easy reach and in positions that won't stress your body parts.

Other Things To Keep in Mind


hile an ergonomic workstation will do your posture a world of good, it is also necessary to imbibe some healthy habits for your overall wellness.

  • Take a walking or stretching break every 30 - 45 mins and after more than an hour of work, try to take at least a 5 mins break.
  • Have your lunch away from your workstation.
  • Get antiglare glasses to reduce eye strain. Also, keep your eyes off the monitor at intervals and focus on something else for about 20 seconds.

Wrapping Up


orking from home doesn't necessarily have to be a literal pain, and with the help of our high-quality ergonomic work accessories, setting up an ergonomic workstation that will help to ensure this will prove to be no hassle for you.

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